Farewell to Bucky on Parade

Seems like just yesterday (May 7, 2018) that the city and campus were inundated with 85 Bucky Badger statues. Local and regional artists are responsible for the work, and the event was sponsored by the Madison Area Sports Commission with support from the Greater Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau and in partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Madison and other associated entities. From all reports and activity on social media it appears the statues were a success. As part of the ‘parade’, the UW-Madison campus had 20 statues which were coordinated and painstakingly located by CPLA’s own Daniel Einstein as a member of the Operations Committee. Thank you to all the UW folks who assisted in the Bucky on Parade event!

The State Journal asked people to send them photos with Bucky statutes…people obliged.

What was your favorite campus Bucky?