Wisconsin Environmental Protection Act (WEPA)

The Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act (WEPA), sec. 1.11, Wisconsin Statutes, was created by Chapter 274, Laws of 1971 and became effective on April 29, 1972. It is closely patterned after the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which was effective January 1, 1970. WEPA requires that all state agencies prepare environmental impact statements (EIS), which is a full disclosure document that provides an assessment of significant environmental impacts and reasonable alternatives considered in connection with the proposed action.

In addition, WEPA requires state agencies to study, develop and describe alternatives when a particular course of action involves unresolved conflicts in the use of available resources. In accordance with WEPA and the regulations of the Federal Council on Environmental Quality, the UW System has developed an Action Type List to assist in determining the need for an environmental impact statement. The three classifications

  • WEPA Type I: Actions which require an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
  • WEPA Type II: Actions which may or may not require an EIS but must be evaluated by completing an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
  • WEPA Type III: Actions which do not require an EIS or EIA.

Campus WEPA Coordination & Project Documents

UW-Madison’s WEPA Coordinator responsibilities include:

  • In consultation with the UW System Environmental Affairs Officer, identify the type of WEPA action required.
  • Draft the request for Type I or Type II consultant services.
  • For Type I and Type II actions, manage the university responsibilities including:
    • Point of contact for consultants
    • Attending kick-off meeting
    • Mailing list identification
    • Represent the university at scheduled public hearings
    • Review the scope, draft, and final documents
    • Respond to comments
    • Make a Record of Decision
  • For Type II actions, completing the Evaluation of Environmental Significance form.

Current and active project list

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Meat Science and Muscle Biology Building

10-2015: Scoping letter sent to interested parties
11-2015: Draft EIS released for public review
10-2015: Draft EIS public meeting
02-2016: Final EIS public meeting
03-2016: Final EIS released

Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Final Environmental Impact Statement

Southeast Recreational Facility (SERF) Replacement

07-2016: Scoping letter sent to interested parties
09-2016: Draft EIA released for public review
10-2016: Draft EIA public meeting
12-2016: Final EIA released

Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Final Environmental Impact Statement

Music Performance Facility

10-2014: Scoping letter sent to interested parties
12-2014: Draft EIS released for public review
01-2015: Draft EIS public meeting
02-2015: Final EIS released
03-2015: Final EIS public meeting

Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Final Environmental Impact Statement

Chemistry Instructional Expansion

01-2016: Scoping letter sent to interested parties
03-2016: Draft EIA released for public review
04-2016: Draft EIA public meeting
xx-xxxx: Final EIA released

Draft Environmental Impact Assessment

Final Environmental Impact Assessmen

Babcock Hall Dairy Plant

09-2014: Scoping letter sent to interested parties
01-2015: Draft EIA released for public review
01-2015: Draft EIA public meeting
04-2016: Final EIA released

Draft Environmental Impact Assessment

Final Environmental Impact Assessment


WIMR West Wedge Addition

Final Environmental Impact Statement 
(Completed as part of 2004 Interdisciplinary Research Complex (IRC) – now referred to as the Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research (WIMR) structures)

Site Plan