Campus-Institutional (C-I) District Zoning*
In 2019 the university had its first master plan approved by the City of Madison for parcels within the Campus Plan Development Boundary zoned Campus-Institutional. The Campus-Institutional District Master Plan was a direct outcome of the City’s zoning code rewrite that became effective on January 2, 2013. The C-I District was established to recognize the City’s major educational and medical institutions as important activity and traffic generators, accommodate the growth and development needs of these institutions, and coordinate the master plans of these institutions with the city’s plans, policies, and zoning standards. The district master plan is also intended to (per MGO 28.097):
- Permit appropriate institutional growth within boundaries while minimizing the adverse impacts associated with development and geographic expansion.
- Balance the ability of major institutions to change and the public benefits derived from change with the need to protect the livability and vitality of adjacent neighborhoods.
- Encourage the preparation of Campus Master Plans that enable adjacent neighborhoods and the broader community to understand the levels of development being proposed, their likely impacts, and appropriate mitigation measures.
The C-I District Master Plan looks out 20 years on the planning horizon and is effective beginning January 1, 2019, for a time period of 10 years.
Village of Shorewood Hills Zoning
The university is intertwined with its host communities of the City of Madison and the Village of Shorewood Hills. As part of the implementation process for projects on the west side of campus, within the Village of Shorewood Hills, they are involved as members of the Joint Campus Area Committee. This joint town-gown committee is made up of representatives from the university, city, local neighborhood associations, and the Village. The Joint Campus Area Committee is an advisory committee to the Village Plan Commission that currently approves projects based on their local zoning requirements.

Campus-Institutional District Master Plan

C-I District Master Plan (complete low-resolution document – 52MB)
C-I District Master Plan hi-resolution sections – please click on the tabs (below & right)
City of Madison Approval Process
- Joint West Campus Area Committee – March 22, 2017
Agenda | Minutes - Pedestrian Bike Motor Vehicle Commission – May 27, 2017
Agenda | Minutes - Urban Design Commission (UDC) – May 24, 2017
Agenda | Minutes - Joint West/Joint Southeast Campus Area Committees – June 7, 2017
Agenda | JWCAC Minutes | JSECAC Minutes - City of Madison Plan Commission – June 19, 2017
Agenda | Minutes - City of Madison Staff Report – June 19, 2017
Report - City of Madison Common Council – July 18, 2017
Agenda | Minutes
The city of Madison’s 1966 zoning code was updated, becoming effective on January 2, 2013. One outcome of this rewrite came in section 28.096, the Campus Institutional (CI) District, established to recognize the City’s major educational and medical institutions as important activity centers & traffic generators, accommodate the growth & development needs of these institutions, and coordinate the master plans of these institutions with the City’s plans, policies and zoning standards. The district is also intended to:
- Permit appropriate institutional growth within boundaries while minimizing the adverse impacts associated with development and geographic expansion;
- Balance the ability of major institutions to change, and the public benefits derived from change, with the need to protect the livability and vitality of adjacent neighborhoods;
- Encourage the preparation of campus master plans that enable adjacent neighborhoods and the broader community to understand the levels of development being proposed, their likely impacts, and appropriate mitigation measures to be considered.
As such, the Campus Master Plan (50-year guiding document for development on campus) was abbreviated and adjusted to reflect the city zoning requirements in the creation of the UW-Madison Campus-Institutional District Master Plan (Effective 1-1-19 to 12-31-29). The C-I District Master Plan is presented below by chapter.
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C-I District Forward
i Document Composition
ii List of Figures, Tables, and Photo Credits
iii Introduction
iv City of Madison Conditions of Approval – Unresolved Issues
Section 1: C-I District Background & History
1.1 Scope of the 2015 Campus Master Plan Update
1.2 History of Campus Planning at UW-Madison
1.3 Historical Development of the UW-Madison Campus
1.4 2005 Campus Master Plan “Recreating Ourselves in Place”
Section 2: C-I District Mission & Guiding Principles
Mission & Guiding Principles PDF
2.1 University Mission, Vision, and Strategic Plan
2.2 Coordination with Campus Strategic Framework Plan
2.3 Need for a Master Plan
2.4 Physical Planning Principles, UW System Board of Regents
2.5 Master Plan Goals and Guiding Principles
Section 3: C-I District Facilities Plan: Existing Conditions
Facilities Plan: Existing Conditions PDF
3.1 Campus Profile
3.2 Context within Region and City
3.3 Campus Development Plan Boundary
3.4 Existing Zoning Districts
3.5 Projects Completed Since 2005 Plan
3.6 Campus Planning Districts
3.7 Campus Land Use Land Uses and Buildings
3.8 Building Form and Density
3.9 Landmarks and Historic Sites
3.10 Historic Preservation Planning at UW-Madison
3.11 Open Space
3.12 Tree Canopy
3.13 Existing Green Infrastructure & Stormwater Management
3.14 Existing Pedestrian and Bicycle
3.15 Existing Transit, Parking, and Vehicular Circulation
Section 4: C-I District Facilities Plan: Proposed Conditions
Facilities Plan: Proposed Conditions PDF
4.1 Campus Development Plan Boundary and Potential Land Acquisitions
4.2 Proposed Land Use
4.3 Building Density Floor Area Ratios (F.A.R.)
4.4 Proposed Building Use
4.5 Open Space & Landscape Plan
4.6 Natural Campus Landscapes
4.7 Social Campus Landscapes
4.8 Green Streets
4.9 Proposed Green Infrastructure & Stormwater Management
4.10 Proposed Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation
4.11 Proposed Transit, Parking, and Vehicular Circulation
Section 5: C-I District Proposed Project Phasing
Section 6: C-I District Design Review Process
6.1 UW-Madison Design Review Board
Section 7: C-I District Campus Design Guidelines & Standards
Campus Design Guidelines & Standards PDF
7.1 Building Principles and Guidelines Summary
7.2 Campus Design Neighborhoods
Section 8: C-I District Neighborhood Coordination
Section 9: C-I District Amendments to the Approved Plan
Section 10: C-I District Appendix
Appendix (All Section PDF – see below for individual sections)
A. Acknowledgments
B. Campus and Community Engagement Summary
C. Long Range Transportation Plan
D. Master Plan Graphic
E. C-I District Zoning Graphic
F. Build-to Lines Graphic
G. Maximum Building Heights Graphic
Campus Zoning Map

- Developments on parcels that are identified as C-I shall follow the requirements for bulk, set backs, height, etc. as identified in the approved C-I District Master Plan.
- Developments on parcels that are identified as PD shall follow the City of Madison Land Use Application guidelines specific to applications for Zoning Map Amendments to PD Districts.
- Developments proposed on parcels that are identified as other (CN, TR-U1, TR-U2, TSS, CC-T) will need to be purchased by the university, undergo a zoning map amendment to bring those areas into the C-I District, and concurrently amend the C-I District master plan for development approval.
- Campus-Institutional District Zoning Map
Frequently Asked Questions
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Where do I find information about the Village of Shorewood Hills approval process?
The University works with the Village of Shorewood Hills to ensure campus development meets the requirements of the Campus Master Plan as well as the Village requirements. University projects are typically presented to the Village via the Joint West Campus Area Committee. The Village determines need for the project to undergo their Plan Commission Review process after understanding the scope and scale of the proposed development.
Does Campus Planning assist with zoning requirements on university lands off campus?
Yes, we assist with zoning and entitlements on university lands used for UW-Madison programming.
Contact Aaron Williams, Zoning Coordinator | 608-890-4202
*The term ‘Master’ is used for alignment with City of Madison ordinance verbiage