The UW-Madison’s main campus is contained within the City of Madison and the Village of Shorewood Hills. It is also bordered by a number of established neighborhood associations. There is a robust tradition of shared decision making and transparency at the university (and in Madison’s neighborhoods) that is deeply rooted in shared governance and the belief that we are all passionate problem solvers that can bring insights, expertise, and ideas to create a better solution.
Campus development maintains a strong commitment to the context in which it physically resides and borders. The Joint Campus Area Committee is an official city committee set up to participate in facilities planning activities which affect the campus, city, village, and surrounding neighborhoods. This joint committee is composed of university, city, and village staff, as well as neighborhood representatives, alders, and a UW student. The charge of this committee (Madison General Ordinance Sec. 33.32(1)) is to identify community-wide and neighborhood impacts of campus-initiated, city/village related, and private sector development projects within the context of sound planning principles that afford the greatest benefit. Each of these committees acts as the voice of the neighborhood/organization and is tasked with disseminating information to their neighborhood/organization and receiving/reporting that information back to the committee. The committee includes the following member designations:
Joint Campus Area Committee (effective 3-29-2018)
– Alder District 4 Representative
– Alder District 5 Representative
– Alder District 8 Representative
– Alder District 13 Representative (non-voting)
– Neighborhood Representative – Greenbush
– Neighborhood Representative – Vilas
– Neighborhood Representative – Regent
– Capitol Neighborhoods or State-Langdon Neighborhood Representative
– Plan Commission Member
– Transportation-related City Committee Member
– Village of Shorewood Hills Representative #1
– Village of Shorewood Hills Representative #2
– UW Special Assistant to the Chancellor
– UW Facilities Planning & Management Representative
– UW Transportation Services Representative
– UW Athletic Department Representative
– UW School of Medicine and Public Health Representative
– UW Hospital and Clinics Representative
– Associated Students of Madison Representative
City of Madison Committee Meeting Information

City of Madison Campus Alders and Districts (link)
- District #2 – Alder Juliana Bennett
- District #4 – Alder Mike Verveer
- District #5 – Alder Regina Vidaver
- District #8 – Alder MGR Govindarajan
- District #13 – Alder Tag Evers
Frequently Asked Questions
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What is the Joint Campus Area Committee and when do they meet?
The purpose of the committee will be to, among other things, provide feedback to the UW-Madison Design Review Board required by Sec. 28.097(7), MGO, for projects taking place within the area of campus zoned Campus Institutional (CI) as detailed in the UW-Madison Campus Master Plan, which was adopted by city ordinance ORD-17-00074. The committee shall identify community-wide and neighborhood impact of campus-initiated, city/village-related and private sector development projects within the C-I District and within a quarter mile of the Campus Plan Development Boundary and discuss/summarize comments on university, city/village and private development plans, environmental impact/assessment statements and traffic analysis; summarize city/village, campus and neighborhood comments that enhance existing commercial, university and residential areas and street, transit and bike/pedestrian systems in the campus area.
(Original Authorization: Substitute Resolution 59601, ID 31882 & Res 61160, ID 34816.) 5/21/2013: Position 2, District 2 Alder, eliminated per ORD-13-00090, file id #29732.
How does the Village of Shorewood Hills participate in campus projects?
The Village of Shorewood Hills participates on the Joint Campus Area Committee where they currently hold two seats. All major capital project feasibility studies and development projects are brought to this committee for initial informational review and eventual recommendation to the UW Design Review Board. Campus Planning & Landscape Architecture also coordinates closely with Village Administration to understand each other’s planning and development goals.
Can my Neighborhood Association request a campus presentation?
Yes, we are always willing to inform interested organizations about campus planning.
Contact Scott Utter, Director of Campus Planning & Landscape Architecture