The magazine of the American Society of Landscape Architects (Landscape Architecture Magazine – LAM) recently published an article by Jeff Link focused on a proposed building and landscape ordinance looking to shape the future of bird-friendly design in Chicago. This article is directly related with the work of the Bird Collision Corps (BCC) here at UW-Madison. The BCC is a partnership between the University of Wisconsin Department of Forest & Wildlife Ecology, the University of Wisconsin Department of Facilities Planning & Management, Madison Audubon Society, Dane County Humane Society’s Wildlife Center, and the American Bird Conservancy. The Bird Collision Corps is a Madison, WI-based citizen science project entering it’s fifth monitoring migration period and works with volunteers to help locate and document bird strikes caused by UW-Madison campus buildings. This work has influenced numerous capital project currently in development as well as policy and ordinance language being proposed at the institutional and municipal levels. As is mentioned in the article, it’s difficult to know what the value of a bird’s life is, but the ecosystem services and intrinsic value birds provide is difficult to dispute.
Read the full article at: