Gary Brown along with Dave Wolmutt of SmithGroupJJR will be speaking at the 2017 Sustainable Communities Conference in Dubuque, IA on October 3, 2017.
Presentation: How Regulations Shaped a University’s Green Infrastructure Plan
The University of Wisconsin-Madison is an ever densifying urban
campus, as well as the largest single landowner on Lake Mendota in
Madison, Wis. Over the years, the university has made a significant
investment toward improving and maintaining the health of the lakes
within the Yahara Watershed, both through academic contributions
and also by implementing over 80 individual sustainable stormwater
projects throughout its 938-acre campus. This presentation will
provide details of the UW-Madison Green Infrastructure Master Plan,
which identifies green infrastructure opportunities on campus for the
next 30+ years and district-wide practices intended to capture runoff
from multiple sites and go beyond the individual site-based BMPs that
are typically built. It also identifies a number of major streets on
campus that will be converted to green streets, in cooperation with
the City of Madison, and it proposes more aggressive policies and
standards to help achieve certain stormwater metrics related to
suspended solids and total phosphorus reductions. You’ll also learn
how changing state and federal regulations impact how municipalities
plan for the future and influence the need for green infrastructure.